Our line of Multimilk brand contains protein of high bioavailability by content of milk components.
Our line of Multimilk brand contains protein of high bioavailability by content of milk components based on animal protein compounds with very high content of vitamin A, D3, E and C. Excellent solubility with minimal sedimentation is achieved through spray freezing technology. The products are containing GMO free, excellent quality whey powder from cheese production. Emulsizym® is our trademark for an unique system of bioactive peptides and medium chain fatty acids which increases fat and protein digestibility and has antimicrobial effect in gastrointestinal tract. The Multimilk line also contains probiotic culture with unique combination of 3 strains of bacteria: Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecium. The probiotic cultures support the development of calf immunity system and with that the occurence of scours is dramaticaly decreased.