About VVS
About VVS
Effective animal Nutrition
All products
Cattle feed
Feed for game animals
Poultry feed
Pig feed
Vitamin-mineral horse feed
Horse additives
Calf milk replacers
By-pass fats
Silage inoculants
Farming inputs
Premix A2
Premix for mixing into the Dairy ration concetrate. Used in lactating cattle.
Premin A2
Mineral and vitamin mix to be used in the complete dairy ration directly without any prior preparations. Used in lactating cattle.
Premix A1
Premix for mixing into the Dairy ration concetrate. Used in dry cows.
Premin A1
Mineral and vitamin mix to be used in the complete dairy ration directly without any prior preparations. Used in dry cows.
Mineral and vitamin mix to be used in the complete dairy ration directly without any prior preparations. Used in cows just before calving.
Rumik instant
Rumik is an aftercalving drench. Used to improve the energy balance and recovery of rumen functions not only after calving.
Beef cattle minerals
The beef cattle mineral mixes contain complete content of minerals, trace elements and vitamins.
Premin Hepar
Supports regenerative ability of the liver parenchmatic tissue by the glukoplastic efect, helps to prevent and treat the lipomobilization syndrome, ketosis and liver steatosis in dairy cows.The vitamins and organic microelements help through their antioxidative activity.
Feed for game animals
VVS also specializes in feeding of game and wild animals with an experience in Prague and Liberec zoological gardens. Please check our catalogue for more information.
Broiler premixes
With this 0,3% premix, basic minerals and own grain you can produce a high quality feed mixtures for poultry broilers straight from home.
Broiler vitamin - macro pack
With this 2,5% mineral feed, basic minerals and own grain you can produce a high quality feed mixtures for poultry broilers straight from home.
Layer premixes
We have prepared a balanced ration for proper development and higher production in your layers, please check the leaflet here for more information.
Layer vitamin - mineral feed
We have prepared a balanced ration for proper development and higher production in your layers, please check the leaflet here for more information.
Pig premixes
We have prepared a balanced ration for proper development and higher production of your pigs.
Pig vitamin - macro pack
We have prepared a balanced ration for proper development and higher production of your pigs.
Premin Grower
Is mineral feed intended for growing foals.
Premin Mare
Premin mare is intended for pregnant and lactating mares in the breeding season.
Premin Performance
Premin performance is composed to serve for the horses in lower and medium work load.
Premin Prorace
Premin® ProRace is a mineral feed with a content of collagen intended especially racehorses and horses sporting in versatility, when there is an enormous work load on the locomotive apparatus of the horse.
Premin Stable
This mineral feed is intended for horses at the the time of a rest or low work load.
Premin Motion
Premin Motion si a feed additive with a content of a flavorant to increase the palatability of the feed with the intetion to increase consuption in a higher work load.
Premin Fertility
Premin Fertility is a feed supplement intended for breeding mares and stallions for improvement Reproductive capabilities.
Multimilk Vital
Our line of Multimilk brand contains protein of high bioavailability by content of milk components.
Our line of Multimilk brand contains protein of high bioavailability by content of milk components.
Multimilk Premium
Our line of Multimilk brand contains protein of high bioavailability by content of milk components
Multimilk Ruby
Multimilk Ruby is ment to be used in the most intensified calf rearing systems.
On today’s market, there is a growing demand for high milk production, milk fat and fat-soluble vitamins.
Bypass fats are proven source of additional energy in the first part of lactation.
Optiform with its synergistic effect of naturally occured enzymes in the fermeted barley and the purest from of palmintic acid C16.
For preservation of easily and moderately silable fodder crops (grass, clover-grass)
Formasil Maize
For preservation of maize silage and maize products.
Formasil Cool
For fodders with high dry matter content.
Formasil Alfa
For preservation of hard and moderately silable fodder crops (alfalfa, clover).
Flytrap - Flyribbon
Double sided adhesive paper strip with attractant guaranteeing efficient trapping of houseflies (Musca domestica).
STABLEBAND - Flytrap for use in stables and cowsheds
Flytrap for use in stables and cowsheds